I am a nurse. I went to college and graduated, top of my class, with a 4.0 GPA. I was class valedictorian. I am an excellent nurse. I have saved people's lives and held the hands of people taking their last breath. I take great pride in my work and have received many compliments and words of appreciation, not only from patients, but from their family members as well. I have attended funerals for people I have cared for and grew to love. I have testified in court on behalf of a women, who had just died of cancer way too young, and had a family battling her only sister for the inheritence she left her. I have seen people at their best and at their worst. I have watched people loose their pride and dignity after losing the ability to care for themselves in the most personal of ways. I have watched people cry over their lost independence and struggle with their new circumstances. I love being a nurse and I am proud of what I do.
I also have three children, and to put them in daycare for me to work outside of the home would be pointless. It would cost a fortune and be close to a wash for our kids to be raised by strangers. My husband makes a good living and I am blessed to be able to stay home with my kids. Husband would rather I go out to work.
When he got home from work tonight, I had already fed the kids, but they all needed baths before bed. I give 98% of the baths in our home, always have. Shortly after coming in from work, he went out back to smoke a cigar. Close to 7:30, I went out back and asked him to come in and help me with the baths. He made it more than clear he wasn't happy about that idea. Kid #1 and #2 take a bath together upstairs, and #3 still gets her bath in the small bathtub in the kitchen. So he asked me if I could give #3 a bath and then give #2 a bath in #3's baby tub. I said no, she is too big and she likes to play with #1 in the bath. Again, he made it clear he less than thrilled about this.
When he came inside, I was giving #3 her bath and he asked me where the towels were for #1 and 2. I told him I had some in the wash and that I wasn't sure, he would have to look upstairs for some. He said he wasn't going to look upstair, for me to just tell him exactly where they are or he wasn't going to give any baths at all. I said "yeah, gof forbid you have to give your own kids a bath." And he said back "it is part of your duty." I was dumbfounded. I asked him to repeat himself and he said "you know, it's part of the $100,000 salary the Today Show says you stay at home moms should get. You should be doing the baths and you should be able to tell me exactly where the towels are as you are also responsible for the washing." I wanted to kick him in the nuts, instead, I said nothing at all.
About a half hour ago, he asked me why I was going upstairs and what was he supposed to do with #2? I told him I was going to put #3 to bed and that #2's bottle was made and in the fridge when she was ready for it. He complained more. I told him it had been a long day, I still had things to get done and hadn't had dinner myself yet. He said to me "Neither did I, you should have had that taken care of that. Instead you only fed the kids...I didn't think it was in the job discription to do things half way."
Um, seriously...I don't know when my husband turned into a womanizing pig, but I am appalled by his comments. Now I know why Loraina Bobbet did what she did to that mans penis!
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
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